Saturday, January 18, 2014

Gambela National Park's Korke, Ethio travel and tourism

Gambela National Park's Korke, Ethio travel and tourism
A person who moved to the west Ethiopian part, Gambela National Park can see many different wild animals. One of them is white ear korke, Korke is a type of antelope and it feeds on grass. An average Korke has about 92 cm height and 105 kg weight. Korke is one of animal species among which travel seasonally. This unique animal choses dry and grass land but it doesn’t get far from water.

The male Korke has spirally shaped horn while the females doesn’t have any horn at all. This Korke lives in group with definite boarders depending on the time the number of this animal in any group might get increase of decrease. The main factor which determines the largeness of the group is the food available in that place and the suitable condition of the area. In their seasonal travel from place to place the number of Korkes increases largely because many groups join together and their nu.ber decreases once again once they reach their destination.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Emperor Lalibela

Lalibela, a new King from a new dynasty build a new holy capital. Today Emperor Lalibela’s legacy lives on in the physical splendor of the Rock churches and their traditions of their guardian priests.

Like for example here is one traditional quote from the priests of Lalibela Rock Churches:

My blessed people and congregation, Churches without no mud, no wood and no cement you can not find anything in the rest of the world. You are all blessed because you are here this place was built by God.

Every year in the day of St. George peregrines gather to celebrate a belief that has endured here for 16 centuries. These people of Ethiopia belief God brought the Arc of Covenant and the template of the Ten Commandments to their lands. On holy days today priests carry on their heads the replicates of the templates. The people of Ethiopia have been carving churches from mountains for thousands of years. The eleven churches of Lalibela symbolizes that achievement to the rest of the world. The King Lalibela became legend and his stories are still told by the monks.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ethiopian Highlands

Ethiopian Highlands, The Roof of Africa
The Ethiopian highlands are also considered as the roof of Africa. 30 million years ago these Ethiopian different highlands were a single plateau at the size of current day Spain. The continued erosion of this highland created many highlands that separated by canyons. Ethiopian highlands supported different animals found nowhere else in the world. The Gelada Baboon for example is one of the endemic animal in those Ethiopian highlands and has a brain capable of living in vertical cliffs in which a single slip could cause death.

Those Geladas are unique on only one of those plateau and they are covered by a large fur. They are the highest dwelling primates on the earth ranging up to 4500 meters. Geladas are the most sociable monkeys on the earth and they live in many numbers. In these highlands Ethiopian endemic animal species, Gelada Baboons share a place of grazing antelopes but Geladas are the only peculiar animal species up here in the roof of Africa.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Arc of the Covenant

Church of Arc of the Covenant
Ethiopian Church with arc of covenant believed to be found
Ethiopians legend says the Arc was moved from Jerusalem while King Solomon was still alive. The son of Solomon, Menelik, the son he had from queen of Sheba is said to brought Arc of the Covenant to Axum, Ethiopia nearly 3000 years ago. The arc is believed to be a great gift of God which tells the secret of creation
There is only one monk inside the building and no other person is allowed to enter the building.

This monk is praying all his life inside he can't even talk to any tourists.
It is said that the Arc of the Covenants have the 10 commandments and it is in a gold box. In Axum there are other architects which leads at least 2000 years back. To see its civilization and relationship of ancient Ethiopian Emperors with King Solomon of Jerusalem.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Lake Tana, Ethiopia

Lake Tana, Ethiopia
Bahirdar is found in the southern end of Lake Tana. Lake Tana got many different names from different scientists. The Greek scientist called it Strabo Sebo. The Egyptian scientist, Glaudios Pavlov called it Cobo. And newer scientists called it the great lake.

Lake Tana is the widest lake in Ethiopia. There are about 20 island with church. The two monasteries Entos which holds only females there are about 20 females there and no males are allowed there. And the other one is only for and this island holds about 40 monks. The distance between these two islands is short but they are very separated with many things since females aren’t allowed in men’s island and males aren’t allowed in Females Island.