Monday, January 6, 2014

Ethiopian Highlands

Ethiopian Highlands, The Roof of Africa
The Ethiopian highlands are also considered as the roof of Africa. 30 million years ago these Ethiopian different highlands were a single plateau at the size of current day Spain. The continued erosion of this highland created many highlands that separated by canyons. Ethiopian highlands supported different animals found nowhere else in the world. The Gelada Baboon for example is one of the endemic animal in those Ethiopian highlands and has a brain capable of living in vertical cliffs in which a single slip could cause death.

Those Geladas are unique on only one of those plateau and they are covered by a large fur. They are the highest dwelling primates on the earth ranging up to 4500 meters. Geladas are the most sociable monkeys on the earth and they live in many numbers. In these highlands Ethiopian endemic animal species, Gelada Baboons share a place of grazing antelopes but Geladas are the only peculiar animal species up here in the roof of Africa.